Lowongan terbit 6 bulan lalu

Lifeway School membuka lowonganSchool Principal

Lifeway School saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai School Principal.


  • Pendidikan :
  • S1 / D4
  • Gender :
  • Pria/Wanita
  • Besaran Gaji :
  • Kompetitif
  • Lokasi Kerja :
  • Jombor Kidul, No. 69, RT.05/RW.23, Jombor Kidul, Sinduadi, Sleman, DIY

Syarat Pekerjaan

  • Bachelor Degree S1 from Education, Prefer hold a Master’s degree in Education (any subject).
  • A mature Christian, member of the local church, and involved in local church ministry.
  • Have experience as a principal in a national school for a minimum of 5 years and/or a minimum of 3 years in an international school.
  • Experience as a principal in a Non-Formal/PKBM school is highly recommended.
  • Passionate in the education field, especially Christian education.
  • Relational individuals who regard relationships with colleagues, parents, and students as key to building a healthy and thriving community.
  • Strong in Leadership and good decision making.
  • Trustworthy & Capable in doing financial and marketing tasks.
  • Fluent in English both verbal and written

Kirim Lamaran

  • hrd.lifewayschool@gmail.com
  • No. Telepon :
  • +6282197076056
6 bulan lalu
Perhatikan materi lowongan dengan teliti dan waspada terhadap segala penipuan

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