Lowongan sudah ditutup
Lowongan Kerja Junior Coordinator di PT. Aeon Riset Teknologi

PT. Aeon Riset Teknologimembuka lowonganJunior Coordinator

PT. Aeon Riset Teknologi is a privately – owned company founded in 2014 by team of expertise for enterprise management and headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was established with the pure aim to deliver enterprise the power to improve business effectiveness by creating innovative breakthrough through technology.


  • Pendidikan :
  • SMA / SMK
  • Gender :
  • Pria/Wanita
  • Besaran Gaji :
  • Kompetitif
  • Batas Lamaran :
  • 7 Maret 2019
  • Lokasi Kerja :
  • Jl. Kaliurang KM.10, Pedak, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, DIY

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Coordinate the overall operational, budgetary, and financial responsibilities and activities of the team
  • Plan and implement systems to fulfill the mission and the goals of the team efficiently and effectively
  • Communicate regularly with supervisor and other designated contacts within the organization.
  • Make sure company’s regulation and procedure run well.

Syarat Pekerjaan

  • Active, enthusiast, high achievement motivation
  • Good managerial and leadership skills to achieve the business goals
  • Having the ownership, responsibility and accountability
  • Honest, innovative and communicative
  • Good communication skills
  • Fast learner

Kirim Lamaran

Mohon maaf, lowongan sudah ditutup
5 tahun lalu
Perhatikan materi lowongan dengan teliti dan waspada terhadap segala penipuan

Laporan Lowongan

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