Lowongan terbit 4 bulan lalu

Snooze Hostel Yogyakartamembuka lowonganFront Officer

Snooze Hostel Yogyakarta adalah Akomodasi dengan konsep hostel atau penginapan remaja (BUKAN HOTEL) dengan customer 98% anak muda yang suka travelling atau backpacking. Target market terbesar adalah wisatawan mancanegara (sebelum pandemi) dan wisatawan domestik.


  • Pendidikan :
  • SMA / SMK
  • Gender :
  • Wanita
  • Umur :
  • 25 - 33 tahun
  • Besaran Gaji :
  • Start 2 Juta
  • Lokasi Kerja :
  • Jl. Mangunnegaran Kulon No. 9 Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Jogja, DIY

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Chit chatting with our guests (as our place is considered as HOME not a formal hotel
  • Taking care of the administrative things (email, phone, Whatsapp, system, OTA, reservation, cash drawer ETC) but we want someone that likes to move around to make sure the house area is clean and tidy as well as the guests feel like home (the Front Officer is not only sitting at the front desk!)
  • Handling check in and check out
  • Helping the guests to inform recommendations places
  • Handling guests’ payments (by cash, transfer, EDC)
  • Making sure the room is clean (spotless and tidy) before the guests checking in
  • 8 hours per day (07.00 – 15.00 & 15.00 – 23.00)
  • 1 day off per week
  • No day off during weekends or public holidays

Syarat Pekerjaan

  • FEMALES 25-33 years old. Ladies only, sorry gents!
  • MUST speak English and dare talking with foreigners
  • Strong communication and intrerpersonal skills, flexible to work on weekend and late evening
  • Good attitude
  • Have a good sense of humor, know how to flow the conversation, smiley, smart, quick thinker, good initiative in any situation is a MUST!
  • Detail-oriented, easy to adapt with our working environment, creative.
  • Able to work in team and individual
  • Had experience in hospitality can be a plus
  • Ready for 1 month training/trial

Send us your CV in English to our email.

Kirim Lamaran

  • snoozeyogyakarta.hrd@gmail.com
4 bulan lalu
Perhatikan materi lowongan dengan teliti dan waspada terhadap segala penipuan

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